Tuesday, 1 December 2009

First Snow: the Hermitage


December 1, 2009
November is over ...  TGNIO

The morning quarantines:
far glad bad
that there put
news right name

From Robert Genn's Letter This Morning:
Studies by neuroscientist Dr Ying-Hui Fu of the University of California indicate early risers may be living with a mutated gene. I can handle that. Familial Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome (FASPS) is when people are early to bed and early to rise. They may also be healthy, wealthy and wise. Some FASPS folks like to get started in the middle of the night.

My To-Do List for the Day:
1.    Deal with bills that need paying
2.    Do my monthly report for November's spending
3.    Take bottles in for refund (because I need space ... I'm really not desperate)
4.    Go to the bank
5.    Go to my sketch booking class
6.    Buy a lens cap (I lost mine yesterday) and a cartridge for my printer (I want to print the whole damn ms)
7.    Buy two more cases at Ikea.
8.    Send off some important business emails
9.    Phone Nolan
10.    Find out about the possibility of visiting Toronto around Christmas.

Of course other things will be added (and some won't get done), but basically what I want to do today is get my life back on track after the marathon that November has been: 50,403 words; a trip to England with its concomitant stress; a physically grueling trip to Montreal; 3 sketch booking classes; 9 hours of teaching; my car's tire and oil change appointment; a few dinner guests, Remi's weeklong visit, and one overnight visitor; the retirees' luncheon; and a broken tooth that had to be fixed twice.

I wonder how people manage to fit in 40 hour work weeks as well.  I used to be a workaholic and still have a life.  It seems remarkable to me now.

I want to get back to my peaceful life of painting funky furniture and having fun for a while.  December is shaping up to be a pleasantly sociable month: three sketch booking classes left; a visit with pat and Julie this Friday evening; an open house at Art de la Paix on Saturday afternoon, and a neighbourhood dinner at Rosemary's on Saturday night.  I may also attend the Honey House's Christmas Open House on Sunday and the almost free buffet supper at The Mill on Monday.  Maggie, the nice Bernese Mountain Dog will be here from the 11th till the 14th, and Sharon and I are going to a djembe drumnming class on the 12th.  And then of course I will be gearing up for Christmas.

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Erin Kuhns said...

I am truly amazed and impressed that you managed to complete NaNoWriMo through everything.

You're my hero, Oma.


Kerry said...

The siding on the house looks GREAT! It must feel like the house is FINALLY finished.

Tamarak said...

The Happy Hermitage does look wonderful...it looks beautiful nestled in those snow dusted trees!

You make December look so easy...I just feel like climbing under a rock to hide and avoid the whole month!

I also may not be happy that I am not a mutant...maybe if I didn't need to sleep I might be able to keep up with things...

Barbara Carlson said...

It IS your Hermitage! What a beautiful place to live in.

I am way behind in reading your blog as we had two shows this weekend & then to our framer's yesterday.

Congratulations on writing over 50,000 words & going to UK and, and, and.