Saturday 14 November 2009

Nanowrimo Day 13

November 13, 2009
Day 13 of Nanowrimo

Today was another of those wonderful abnormally mild days we've been experiencing lately. The temperatures are balmy, but it is the absolute stillness and the quality of light on these November days that I am almost in awe of.

Today was not quite as still as Wednesday was, but almost.

On Wednesday afternoon, Sharon, one of my neighbours, arrived and asked me to go out and play. We took the canoe out on the lake and paddled all the way around. Every reflection was a perfect mirror image. Whole trees, decks and cottages were mirrored in the still water and lit by soft golden sunlight, every line straight ... every detail crystal clear in the darker water.

Kenya paddled alongside for about half the trip and then climbed up on the rocky bank to finish the trip on land, stopping every few minutes to wait till we caught up. At the beach Remi joined her and she herded him home when I asked her to.

Today when I took the dogs for a walk I marveled at the colours on the hillside. The road and forest floor were carpeted in leaves, mostly oak leaves. I thought of acorns and the tresses of young girls in romantic ballads. And like shiny clean nut brown hair, the landscape glowed in the afternoon light. Light slants at a different angle in November. The effect of the dusky glowing hills against the deep blue sky was almost ethereal.

I phoned Nolan this morning to ask whether I should come to London; whether I could stay with him for a few days., and of course to get news of Pat.

The news was encouraging! They are now 90% certain that they are not looking at a primary cancer that has spread but at a myeloma, a cancer that attacks the bone marrow, and thus the immune system, and that explains why Pat has been suffering from exhaustion, recurring chest infections and now the back pain. Myeloma is treatable, not really curable. First they work to destroy the cancer cells and then they build up the immune system. Now we are talking about years rather than months. There are still tests to be performed and they are still not 100% certain they have found the underlying cause, but 90% is pretty damn good.

And yes, I am to come ... the sooner the better.

So ... thank you Roy for making it possible for me to go to Pat and give her four days worth of hugs and love ... and giggles. We always giggle together. Nolan never quite gets it but it makes him happy to see Pat transformed into the fifteen year old girl he didn't have the chance to know. (He came into her life much later.) Thank you Kelly for the prayers you said you'd send on my behalf. All those positive thoughts we all sent out into the Universe may have made the difference. Whatever the reason, I am grateful.

It took me most of the day working off and on but I finally managed to buy my ticket on-line. I leave next Thursday night ... and will sleep the night away and arrive at Heathrow in the morning.

In between times fighting with the computer and my dial-up connection, I went to the dentist to have the broken tooth repaired, picked up some groceries and saw Klaus for a final tutoring session. Klaus is an utterly charming student who hates grammar, abhors homework and seem to have an attention deficit disorder. He is off to Cancun tomorrow. But he brought us a couple of bottles of sparkling wine so that we could have a good bye party. It was a bit early for me but I enjoyed the company and the wine.

Our hillbilly lake neighbour started partying early too. The hills were alive with the sound of music issuing forth from one of the half dozen vehicles parked all over his lot and the road in front of his place. I hope he is renovating in order to flip this property. I don't think he will ever fit into the peace and quiet of Pike Lake.

Tonight we are celebrating too. It is Carlos' birthday and he and Tammy are coming for dinner.

I am afraid that I haven't given much thought to Grandpa today. He will likely arrive in the night to give me hell.

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