Friday, 9 April 2010

The sun goes in and so do I ...

I haven't disappeared forever ... but like the sun which is little in evidence these days, I am not very visible.  I didn't realize just how closely tied to sunlight my moods and energy levels were until we had that wonderful spate of clear skies and warmth and then lost them abruptly.

I have been working on harlequin diamonds on the table legs, balloon decorations on the table top, plaster on water damaged walls, and primer on them and the high chair I am recreating for the new baby we are expecting in September.  Not very bloggable occupations, I am afraid.

I am also reading ... finished Three Cups of Tea and Tuesdays with Morrie and am now reading a collection of short stories ... Yesterday's Weather.  I used to avoid reading short stories.  They were over just as I was getting to really relate to the characters.  I could appreciate the craftsmanship but I preferred novels which took me into another world and kept me there for a good long time.  My reading habits have changed quite radically in the past few years.  I am reading more non-fiction now too.  Not sure why.  Perhaps my attention span has gotten shorter or maybe my eyesight is not quite acute enough for extended periods with small print these days.  Or maybe good movies have replaced the need for good books.  It is easier to watch a good movie than it is to read a good book.  All the interactive and interpretive work has been done by editors, directors and actors ... you just need to sit back and appreciate their interpretation rather than making meaning yourself.

A sad realization in so many ways ...

I wish the sun would come out so that I could get back outside to continue my yard and porch clean-up.


Barbara Carlson said...

Sun's out again!
I worry about the sweet little lettuce-coloured leaves now out down here in Ottawa getting frost-bit...with
-4C forecast for last night.
Are the leaves beginning to come out up there? It seems a whole month early to me....your thoughts?

Oma said...

Yes ... blessed sun!

We are a little behind Ottawa with our growth ... it is always a few degrees cooler up here in these hills, so no delicate lettuce green baby leaves yet, but yes, I think we are about a month early in many ways ... at this time every other year my place has still been snow covered. A combination of the light snowfall this winter plus early warm temperatures seems to have surprised tulips and trees ... my neighbour found crocuses when she was raking ... but the only thing I have discovered is oregano. But that reminds me ... I should go hunting for the parsley and lavender I transplanted last fall to save them from the construction.

ed said...

tuesdays with morrie, i loved. read his other 2 or three i believe and loved those also.

Shaun said...

Sun is out! And I don't use exclamation marks lightly.
I miss you.