Wednesday 19 November 2008

A Very Short Post

I have eaten well today, taken several short walks because it is slippery for poor old Tango, finished one leg warmer and the second Tammy slipper as far as I can go without her foot for the final fitting.

Of course I have done more than that since 6 a.m. but I am hard pressed to tell you what!

Swept and shoveled the 61 steps outdoors, got rid of compost, dealt with recycling, scraped my windshield with my fingernails because the trunk was frozen shut, moved the car to its safe winter location, borrowed lock de-icer and a scraper from Clare and Tom, delivered a movie to them, watched a movie (Forest Gump) while knitting ... and generally had a pleasant day.

Tomorrow I will go to town to see what the alternative health care clinic has to offer, buy a few grocery essentials, try to get my trunk open, write emails and look after myself and dogs ... and start on Carlos' slippers.

His will be made of felted sweaters like Tammy's but will be more like moccasins I think. He is very handsome so I think perhaps charcoal grey or black ... but what kind of special trim or signature for these ones?

Tomorrow is another day and I will make those decisions then.

Now it is time for the last outing of the day with my dogs.

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