Friday, 14 March 2008

I've Found My Mug

I finally found my mug ...

Isn't it beautiful and happy looking? Sunflowers and cheerful ripe tomato red always make me happy. I saw it and knew at once it was the one. Then I decided then and there that my primary goal had to be to seek out happiness and beauty. I will drink my tea from it every morning and think about how I can best make myself happy today; where I can discover beauty.

(In the second photo the mug is with the women who made an entire summer happy as I created them and their story.)

I may have been drawn to this mug because I had been wretchedly unhappy for a couple of days ... ever since the bank returned a cheque from a dogsitting client. It took me a couple of days to be able to calmly call and ask why she stopped payment. It is not resolved yet; won't be until I have the cash in my hand ... but I am no longer feeling sick to my stomach because I have to confront someone.

And that has made me happier. I hate confrontation, and my instinctive reaction to potential arguments is to flee rather than confront them head-on. Whenever I do face up to a problem I feel immeasurably better, but even after almost 68 years on this earth I still feel sick and have to build up the courage every time.

So ... what would make me truly happy right now?

1. a roof that is not leaking and filling up plastic bins in three locations ... and all the interior damage from this fixed

2. a decent road that comes all the way to my real parking lot so that I don't have to carry everything 1/4 kilometre as well as down the hill, and so that the garbage and recycling trucks can get in

3. the cash for Havoc's stay in my hand

I'm not asking the universe for unreasonable things, I don't think ... but they may be unattainable today at least. I will work on the smallest one first ... the one that has been making my life hell this week.

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