Sex used to be the the glory and bane of my existence. It was the driving force for over forty years. That stage of my life is, thank god, over and done with. I made a good many wrong turns while it was driving me.
There were times when it was simply a very comfortable part of the whole business of living, but there were also periods when I was not in synch with my partner and felt either harried or frustrated by differences in libido.
Sex ... zzzz
Ho Hum. Sex was becoming an inconvenience. Oh heavens, not again. That occurred when I was in a relationship that was not going well.
Sex :-{
And then came the sandpaper period when the very thought of sex made me rigid with fear. Unfortunately it coincided with a time when the flame of desire flared briefly before dying down. It was an interval when even with the most careful preparations, I often regretted having succumbed to desire. An hour in bed was not worth the week of repentance.
Today I can observe friends who still enjoy a loving sex life with happiness for them and a tinge of regret that I no longer care about it, but as for myself, I think I could live quite happily without sex for the rest of my life.
I say "I think" because occasionally something happens to remind me that there are still a few glowing embers in there. I meet a man who is flirtatious or just gives heartfelt compliments and my disinterest begins to fall away.
Not too much detail here, but I did screen for Rob first.
This doesn't even fall within the same solar system as the stuff we declared to be "too much information."
Yeah its hard to shock us when we've bought lube for you and taken you condom shopping!
You were never easy to shock, Mud Mama ... but Deb and Zoom are older ... and more easily shocked.
You have to admit, Oma, that this is very tame to the stories that we know you do have!!!
We are not more shockable due to kids would handle some of your stories with much less grace than Suzy and I do...We just think that some stories deserve to stay behind closed (or locked) doors.
Maybe I should post my piece on internet dating ... in installments when I have little new to report in my life.
Or maybe I should keep a second blog for writing about the past parts of my life ... the parts I don't share with Kenya.
I don't think we were shocked as much as horrified. I'm pretty sure my son would be squeamish too if you were to start telling him such *detailed* stories of your sexual adventures.
Part of the disconnect for us might be that whenever we asked you questions about sex when we were growing up, you'd turn red and say "I'll tell you when you're sixteen." And then when you hit middle age, you swung to the other extreme and started telling us graphically detailed accounts of your sex life. Nobody wants to imagine their mother doing that stuff.
The Internet dating piece would be good - it was very funny.
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