Monday 23 February 2009

Finding my conclusion by writing ...

This morning I wrote for a couple of hours and discovered something about Robert that made him capable of killing. Self preservation is the strongest element in his make-up.

So ... I am just going to keep on writing ... even though it is hard. I love it when the writing carries me along . This is not happening right now. I feel as though I am writing with frozen fingers. The words feel wooden ... dead ... but at least I am writing ... and when I go back to it I can usually see where I can make things better.

Now that I am working on the novel every day, my blog posts are getting shorter. Sorry about that ... but I think writers are likely the least interesting people alive when they are writing. All their life energy goes into another world ... the world of the novel ... leaving little for the real world they inhabit.

Kenya has already complained that I am keeping her inside more because I want to write instead of walk with her; because I want to write without interruption and that is impossible when she is outdoors.

It seems to help to take the weekends off, and in early April I will have the ancient Old English Sheepdog and his new baby sister, the four month old Sheepdog puppy, for a few days. I am sure that their antics will keep me away from long uninterrupted sessions at my computer. I hope the weather is good for walks and outdoor play with them. I will treat it as a holiday from writing, and hope that I come back to the novel refreshed and renewed.

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