Friday 13 February 2009

Sick Plant

Can anyone help me solve the problem of an ailing plant? I don't know what kind it is because it was given to me simply as "the big one". It loved it here and was thriving till I put it outside early last summer. I wasn't home to take care of it and when I came home I found it on its death bed. I have re-potted it so that is is up where it should be in the pot but it grows new leaves that look healthy and then they sicken and die.

Any ideas about what plant it is so I can check on-line or about what is causing the leaves to die? Should I try to save it or pitch it and its soil?

I am busy writing and am taking a break. The new sock I am working on is (again) going better than Chapter 17 ... but at least I am writing, and the more I write the easier it flows ... at least that used to be true!


Barbara Carlson said...

too much water; too much light.

(I think it's of the rubber plant family.)

Oma said...

I don't know. You might be right but it is definitely not getting more light and I don't think it is getting more water than it got last year when it was thriving mightily.

It is quite different from my other rubber plant which has fleshier leaves ... and both get the same light exposure. The other one is doing fine.

Does anyone else have any ideas?

Anonymous said...


My resident indoor plant care
giver thinks the problem may be
overwatering too. You sure know how to grow shamrocks though! Any
Irish blood?

Oma said...

I haven't watered it since I transplanted it ... about mid-January ... and the house is dry enough for flyaway hair (mine and Kenya's).

Do you think if I just continue to ignore it it will revive? The poor thing has only 4 leaves left ... one on each stalk.