Monday, 7 April 2008

Butterflies, Blue Herons and Black Squirrels

Spring really has come. On our way back from a walk up to the Five Lakes Fishing Club we met Monarch butterflies. Later in the evening the blue heron lifted off the lake. This morning the first of the black squirrels appeared at the feeder gathering peanuts. It may have been a long winter but it doesn't appear to have been a killer.

The squirrel looked a little mangy but seemed otherwise healthy. (Mud Mama just told me the mamas pull out fur to line their nests for the babies. I must have done something right. My children all teach me things now. That's what happens when evolution takes place!)

Today I have two dogs besides Kenya to walk and I feel like walking now that the sun is out and I am wearing a normal amount of clothing. It feels like a good day already!


Kerry said...

Mange-y looking black squirrels are just the females - they actually tear out their own fur to line their nests - she's got babies somewhere!

Oma said...

She's eating your peanuts.

Kerry said...

Oh good! I feel slightly guilty feeding squirrelas peanuts *I* wouldn't let my kids eat but beggars can't be choosers!